Gamera vs. Guiron & Gamera: Guardian of the Universe : Godzillavangelists Episode 34

Image credit of Kadokawa Pictures/Arrow/Matt Frank

Everyone loves an underdog, or perhaps an undermonster in this case. Gamera is here, and he's soared right into our hearts with his rocket-powered shell!

Joanna and guest Fiona Collinson coo over the cute kids, Sam admires Kaneko's competent directing, and Ryan wonders whether Gamera presents the purest essence of Japanese monster movies. Just don't tell Godzilla, he's very jealous.

Our next episode is a big one! It's our 5th anniversary, and we're honoring Godzilla with a swinging Godzilla vs. Destoroyah wake. Don't miss it!

Listen on Youtube below, or get it from Spotify here, or iTunes here!