Godzilla vs. Kong: Godzillavangelists Episode 21

Image credit of Toho/Legendary

Image credit of Toho/Legendary

It's here at last! The Godzillavangelists finally get to see Godzilla vs. Kong, and they sure do have a lot to say. They've got some strong opinions about this rematch for the ages, including whether big monke can win when he's got the big stick in his hands.

No guests, no fuss- we've got the hot takes on everything from villain names to Godzilla's dopey little head. Plus, there's a special surprise for longtime fans of the show!

Next, we've got a special behind-the-scenes on Godzilla vs. Kong's opening sequence coming up, followed by an episode on Godzilla's Revenge!

Listen on Youtube below, or get it from Spotify here, iTunes here, or Google Play here!